Mona Wales – MILFP (Pass gratuito per la suocera)

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Guarda Mona Wales in MILFP (pass gratuito per la suocera) per Missa X. Ottieni la tua dose di video porno xxx di famiglia GRATUITI solo su

Mona è sul divano, si masturba e sogna ad occhi aperti il suo futuro genero, Brad, il tutto mentre il porno scorre in sottofondo. La sua immaginazione è ricca e, per una frazione di secondo, ciò che immagina diventa estremamente vivido. Non ha mai avuto un figlio, anche se ha sempre fantasticato su questo scenario tabù, ma Brad ha l'età di sua figlia ed è estremamente attraente. Si sveglia all'improvviso dal suo sogno arrapato, con le dita bagnate. Si rende conto di aver perso completamente la cognizione del tempo, quindi si tira su velocemente i pantaloni in fretta. Dopotutto, presto aspetta un ospite.

Più tardi, apre la porta e dà il benvenuto a Brad, invitandolo in cucina per un bicchiere di succo d'arancia appena spremuto. A quanto pare, Brad sposerà presto la figlia di Mona, Lauren, ma lei rimarrà a Mona perché non voleva disturbare i suoi genitori prima del matrimonio. Discutono ancora un po' dei programmi del matrimonio e poi lei gli chiede di andare a fare jogging con lei per passare il tempo.

Dopo che tornano, Brad vuole farsi una doccia. "Lauren ti permette di girare per casa tutta sudata?", dice scherzosamente. Poi gli chiede gentilmente di togliersi prima le scarpe e gli indumenti da jogging. Si toglie anche la canottiera e i pantaloni da jogging, rimanendo solo in lingerie. Brad è ovviamente in imbarazzo ma Mona se ne accorge subito: Stai per sposare mia figlia, non vergognarti, questo ti rende praticamente mio figlio.. Quindi procede a seguire le sue richieste e poi va a farsi una doccia.

Più tardi, Brad trova Mona sul divano, che guarda un film ispirato a Shakespeare sull'amore non condiviso, con i popcorn in mano. Lo invita accanto a sé per poterlo guardare insieme. Ben presto la discussione si sposta oltre, con Mona che parla del suo matrimonio. Racconta a Brad il motivo segreto per cui il suo matrimonio è durato così a lungo.

A quanto pare, lei e suo marito hanno qualcosa chiamato “pass gratuito” – due giorni in cui possono provare qualsiasi cosa con qualsiasi partner vogliano, al di fuori del matrimonio. Ma sono solo questi due giorni all'anno, niente al di fuori di questo. "Questo è un imbroglio?" chiede Brad. “Certamente no, è consensuale e concordato”, risponde Mona. Presto Mona diventa sempre più audace e gli chiede se gli piacerebbe guardare un porno con lei nei suoi ultimi giorni da uomo non sposato. Rifiuta con riluttanza, rimanendo sorpreso dalla proposta. Mona continua con le sue confessioni sporche, parlando con Brad delle sue esperienze con suo marito e nei club di scambisti.

Alla fine, chiede: “se potessi avere una donna, chi sarebbe?”. "Mi piacciono le donne anziane", ammette Brad. A questo punto, Mona è già riuscita a sedurre Brad con successo. Gli chiede se c'è qualcosa che potrebbe fare per lui. Brad ammette che le piacerebbe annusare la sua biancheria intima. Accetta di esaudire questo sporco desiderio, ma solo a una condizione; lei sarebbe lì a guardare. Ben presto, l'intera faccenda si trasforma da un accordo reciproco sulla masturbazione e lo sfregamento dei genitali al sesso in piena regola. Dopotutto, questi sono gli ultimi giorni di “pass gratuito” che Brad potrebbe mai ottenere prima di sposare sua figlia.

Mona dà il benvenuto al suo futuro genero affinché rimanga a casa sua in vista delle imminenti nozze, e inizia immediatamente a lavorare sul ragazzo (Jason Pierce, un gradito nuovo arrivato nella recitazione) in modi deliziosamente seducenti. Ad esempio, dopo essere andati a correre insieme, lei insiste che lui (e anche lei) inizi immediatamente a togliersi quei vestiti sudati prima di sporcare la casa, suggerimento, suggerimento, spinta, spinta.

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2+1-1Anonymous2 anni fa

«here You know, I can't believe thatyou didn't consult with me. Before we went ahead and really daddy am I supposed to consult you every time I make a purchase stop.

okay, first of all, I am nothing nothing like your father and be honest, I mean Maria I mean she definitely would have Maria been with your ex-wife it almost seems like you wish she was still with you. Good morning. nice dress Oh, wow it down today.

Looks great. You look like a model. You left now. None of your business, son. your father doesn't like many you look very pretty. No, no, that's not pretty. That's inappropriate. And what's with this hair? women don't wear their hair down like that in an office. There is no way that you were going to work dress like that.

hey, I wore a dress just like this to work last Friday and I got quite a few compliments on my new look. Oh, okay. Okay compliments. So that's what this is about. the first some attention what the hell Eric are you from the 50s women my age dress like this. This is totally professional and completely appropriate. You have been working out and showing off beautifully. Yeah. Sure. And maybe you step mom.

We go plain and on a pole downtown with a new job. You get your ass upstairs and go put on one of your old work dresses. They don't fit. me bullshit Quit Playing Games Nicole stop yelling at her. Dad sit down. I've lost almost 30 pounds Nothing fits me anymore. That's why I had to go shopping. Let me be the judge. Okay. For now go change. I think she knows what fits and what doesn't Dad. This is none of your business West.

Go upstairs. Wesley sit down and making soup Eric. I can't go put on my old dresses. I already donated them to the women's charity. What are you still doing here? Come on, go. Wesley sit down You know, it's funny. I bought this dress because it's your favorite color and I thought when you side you'd had something nice to say to me and maybe I deserved a couple pretty things after all the weight that I've lost. It was not easy. Well, I think it's great that you're donating to close. I mean you could have just made it easy and throw them all away, but

You were thinking about the people. Why are you still here go? Wesley you sit down don't you order him around like a dog? he's 18 for Christ's sake cheese. Nicole Put The Knife Down. What the fuck? Yeah, I think you look great mom. I mean, come on dad. Look how great that dress makes her legs. Look. I mean not very many women can have an hourglass figure like that. Oh go on I want you to twirl around so we can see the back.

Let's see. Look how it hugs her bottoms. pretty hot pretty hot Would you just say your stepmom's asses? Pretty hot. Oh, Eric, don't be a pervert. Thank you for the compliment, sweetie. I don't know what people are. Gonna okay. I you know, I don't know what people are gonna say. I'll tell you one thing.

One thing's for sure. People are definitely going to say that hey look. She's probably out looking for another man or something. Dad I think insecurities are unattractive to women. if I have the fucking tell you one more time. Get the fuck up to your room. Don't get up to your room right now. I'm gonna take all of your shit. I'm gonna go set you to live with your mother. Sit down honey, your father didn't mean that. right

Just fucking crazy the fuck. I hey, I'm already running late, but Dad I actually want to talk to you about something. after this conversation I'm not gonna be mad at me. He's not angry right, honey. Tomorrow morning first thing as soon as I get back. Okay. You know, you can always talk to me if there's something

Not that important. It's alright sounded pretty important. It's just Guy Talk. Fair enough. I just wanted to let you know that you can always talk to me. I'm just thanks, Mom. I better be going to work.

Afternoon. Love you more.

Want to talk about this in person? I don't care what your friends have to say. They don't know us they don't get us. I'm in love with you. How could you say that? Why would you call it off right now? It's we haven't even met in person. At least listen to what I have to say. of Christ

I love you. love you. I mean, what else do you want me to do when you're breaking things off right now all because of your friends and all this bullshit. Hello. Angela

Who is it? No, not right now. fine

So you heard? Wolf Dad. Just talked to me earlier. We would have fixed things with Angela. You two are pretty serious. the marry her someday Honey, you're still young. obviously made the decision weeks ago, so it's too late.

try to stop her and gone I can't imagine that anyone would want to break up with you darling. You're such a great person. Likes me, just fine. That's not really the problem. God I can't just say this out loud. Whatever you say will never really this room. We're afraid if I tell you then you won't look at me the same.

impossible try me Well, she told all her friends that I can't last long enough to make her come. and now every single girl in this whole town knows it. And never find a girl in this town. Oh wow. Okay. I mean, I really wanted to talk to Dad about this. But he's such a selfish asshole. I thought he was gonna give me some pointers here and there but last chance I had was

today at school, I mean I came in my underwear. Well, you're a young man, and I'm sure in time. be able to I can't tried. by myself watching porn not touching myself. I can almost watch a whole 30 minutes without coming in my pants. but when I'm with a girl I can barely get inside of her. Have you ever been inside a girl?

Being a couple strokes, but Angie's like the hottest girl. I mean not as hot as you of course, but she's at least top five hottest girls in school and every time I look at her or see her think about her. It gets me so hard. Have you ever thought about something other than sex when you and your girlfriend are about to be intimate? Baseball you mean? I mean, I've already searched online on how to last longer.

None of the tips worked for me. How does dad last with you? Your father and I haven't made love in a long time. but this problem of yours can be fixed. You're going away to college soon a new town tons of new girls. Any of them would be lucky to have you. Might as well accept that I'm never gonna get a girl. I'm gonna kiss you with.

I want you to gently push me away if you get. To it. You made a French kiss. well I it's a stupid idea. Forget I even said. It please don't tell your dad. well, that's good. But it was awful just Just be honest. I want you to try again, but honey bear don't stick your tongue so far in this.

our tongue should dance together. You should taste Angie's mom. Let your lips press against hers and taste it. and feel it and Ready?

or on a scale of 1 to 10 was I at least a five? I would say that was at least a 10, baby. bear or a young lady but What's your excitement level at? It's hard for you, Mom. That was the most passionate kiss I've ever had. Okay, that's good. Take a deep breath and hold it. Now tell me what happens when Angie shows you her breasts.

I'm kind of a tip man. I'm sorry, I gotta watch my mouth. I'm just really turned on that's okay. It's buttons inside that's room. Oh you say Your Man? What happens when she shows you her tits? Well, sometimes I coming or tits I mean it happened last Friday, and she just there laughed

so embarrassing maybe showing my breasts too would be crossing the line, but maybe I could dance for you. Have you ever had a girl dance for you? Okay. I'll dance for you. Your penis should not be around. if it does try to think of your grandmother and give it

here you're doing great. I'm gonna up the ante and show you my tips.

Are you ready? Angela does not move like that.


to your pussy Mommy We're just pretending. But to be a gentleman. I know you are. subconscious not at all. I'm just you're turned on.

I turned you on. Are you surprised your handsome as hell darling? Look, I'm not embarrassed to be hard for your mom. Can you just dance for me again?

Okay, your turn.

You've got a beautiful cock son. Perfect. I'm so wet. I haven't been this wet since I I don't remember.

And I wish I was dead. I would treat you right I would go down on you over and over and over. You like to eat pussy son? I guess it's the same as a kiss just down there.

I might come if I do it. Come down close.

So good. Now kiss me with your soft lips around mommy's clit and use your tongue.

Come put your hands on your dick baby. Squeeze it till it hurts.

I'm ready. I'm Gonna Last for you. Good boy now like up and down with your tongue. And suck on mommy's clit.

Now that's good now give Mommy a finger.

You please Mom. We can't. Please help me. just

You're pretty good at that. I just yet.

have you ever had a girl suck on your parents? Just try not to come. Okay.


Fuck Angie

Don't come yet. Are you okay, so Should I stop right there? mmm

Does mommy feel that good? Oh my God yeah.

Still a little bit at a time.

You okay? You need to come? Hold it okay. Yes.

You need to come push me off. Okay?

Should I go slower? Yeah.

Wow. Is that okay or is that too fast?

is that That's better. You're getting deeper in me. you Don't go too fast, or you'll come.

you It's too much. We can always try another position. Okay?

not too far

You have to go really slow. Okay?


nice and slow not too deep too fast.

just slow down if you need to. Take your time. Just like that.

You feel really good. Now try to go to some little bit faster without coming

And if you need to stop let me know. Doing so good, baby.

Just like that. Oh you feel amazing? Mmm, can you go a little bit faster? Oh. You're doing so good.


So good.

That's pretty fast then don't come. if you Just like that. Yeah. Don't hold it.

You want to switch positions? Are you? Okay like that? What's your eyes?

All right. I want you to cook slide your cock in mommy from the side. Okay?

it Does it feel too good?


Good. You're doing so well said I'm so proud of you. Doing great.

I feel so good. And a little faster.

You feel my Miss Pussy squeezing your hard claw. feel warm and wet it you need to come you can fill up. Mommy's pussy, okay? You want that? I feel mommy's pussy. And just keep using myommy's pussy till you need to come.

A little chilly need to come. Just like that. Just like that. Just like that. and you feel like you need a bust. Y doing so good.

Yes,. Oh fucking my pussy. You're doing so good. Give some comfort Mommy. Yeah. I'm so bad. Are You Gonna Fill Me Up

Just like that. You feel like grippy. squeezing that clock just like just like that. Oh. Yes. Lord

It's inside.

There's so much. Come in my pussy.

You're good in bed my son.

Can't wait to do it again. We can. I can't be unfaithful to your father. Love you more.

2+1-1Mekkkkk2 anni fa

«Good, thank you »

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